Category: MEL

A very happy new year from MEL!

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had a great time celebrating and are ready, resolutions or not, to kick start the year. 

Here at MEL, we’ve been terrible at being active and posting stuff. Sure, we do tons of things behind the scenes, but you rarely get to see the results. I often joke that working on MEL projects is like working on a very long WIP that might never end. We’ve sure been full of promises. You know, the, “We’ll do this and that!”. Yeah, no. Those don’t really last. So, in order not to jink myself, I won’t promise anything and simply tell you: we’ll do what we can. Our new motto at MEL is “Start somewhere.”

The Mass Effect universe is both beautiful and strange. It has never finished revealing itself to us. As lore gremlins, we can never truly know something for sure because a lot of what we do is making sense of canon and interpreting it. We’re human and we don’t have a perfect memory. That’s okay. If we don’t remember every obscure fact about elcor, salarians or batarians, someone will remind us. That’s how it goes, and that’s why having such a strong community of fans is really fun. So let’s chill out and do our best here. 

Thank you for loving the Mass Effect universe so much. You keep it alive every day with a variety of new content including walkthroughs, fanart, and fanfiction. Thank you for reminding me that this fictional universe and its lore are special.

One last thing: the MEL blog now uses the Disqus commenting system. You can comment as a guest or use a profile. Hope you’ll enjoy our next blog posts! 😉


Trilogy Lore: Publishing the Table of Contents

Hello everyone!
We are releasing our table of contents for the trilogy lore today.

What it is, exactly?
Well, when we created MEL we were aware that the Mass Effect wiki was a fantastic source of information. We didn’t want to copy it. Our goal was to provide a contextualized and complete analysis of the Mass Effect lore. For that, we needed a good foundation to work on, and that’s the table of content that we’re publishing today.

How did we work on this?
We tried to take everything into account, including information we couldn’t completely verify and information we still don’t have (though the lack of information is information in itself!).
We had a lot of discussions within the team about how to word section headers and possible entries, and we are confident that we have made the table of contents as intuitive as possible. It was a collaborative effort, and we are lucky to have the fantastic team that we have! 🙂

So, what now?
Now we are going to work on writing lore articles by using our table of contents as a sort of base structure, as well as using all the canon sources we have to do research (one of those sources being the transcripts we are publishing).
It’s a big job, no doubt MEL’s biggest work in progress…
Keep in mind this is only for the trilogy. We still have to do the same type of work for Andromeda.
Mass Effect is also not a closed canon. We can always edit the table of contents and/or entries… But at the end of the day, you can think of it as if we’re writing a book called “The Lore of Mass Effect.”

If you have any questions please read below first!

Can I join you guys and work on this?
Yes. Contact us at

If I do join you, do you expect me to work on all entries?
No. We believe in letting people work on what fascinates them. If you don’t care for a specific species, we don’t want you to gather information and write a lore article about them. However, if you feel passionate about a specific Mass Effect theme, species, technology, and you feel capable of writing an informed and complete lore article about it, contact us.

What if I’m more of the “gathering information” type?
Contact us too. We can always use help with that!

Can I give you feedback about your table of contents?
Sure! Send us an email at or contact us on Tumblr.

We are very excited to be sharing this with you, and hope you love it as much as we do!

Publishing the Mass Effect Andromeda Codex (and other news)

Hello everyone!

After a long hiatus, we came back to the Mass Effect community to ask if any of you were interested in joining the MEL team. We were thrilled with the response we got from the community and found ourselves a great team. You can find out more about our new members and their work in our About page. We would also like to thank previous members of the team for their efforts in laying the foundation for the new team to work with.

So, what’s new? Well, we’ve been hard at work.

We’re very proud to share with you the complete Mass Effect Andromeda codex. It contains all entries that we compiled cross referencing three sources: our own screencaps, the Mass Effect wiki, and the Library of Codexes website. We hope it’s as accurate as possible but in case you notice any mistakes or missing entries, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

The codex is available in four different formats: .word, .pdf, .epub, and .html, which includes embedded links for easy navigation.

What else?

  • We updated our Mass Effect Guide to include everything Mass Effect Andromeda. More precisely, we added a page for Ryder and Andromeda’s Galactic Community. Our Mass Effect Canon page also got an update, and we’re currently working on updating Major Events and adding a Mass Effect Andromeda Multiplayer page, as well.
  • We’ve added a Links page, where you can find links to fandom spaces, social media, lore resources, and more!
    Don’t hesitate to contact us if you think a link should belong there 🙂

What are we working on now?

  • Compiling the Original Trilogy codices
  • A Transcripts page- more information about this coming very soon
  • Getting our blog active with sharing articles, interviews, and MEL news
  • A table of content for our Mass Effect Lore page. This is a big project at MEL!

Thank you for sticking with us! We hope you enjoy! 🙂

Welcome to Mass Effect Lore

Welcome to Mass Effect Lore, a website made by dedicated and passionate Mass Effect fans. This website is for everyone: people who are interested in Mass Effect but have not played it yet, old and new fans…

We started by working on a Mass Effect guide. It was important to us (the M.E.L. team) to launch our website with a strong foundation. This guide contains information about Shepard, the games, the plot of the trilogy, and other information regarding the lore (the galactic community, major events…). We also have a list of all Mass Effect products that are considered a part of Mass Effect canon.

Our main goal with M.E.L. is to go over the entire Mass Effect lore and provide information, context and explanations. We’re working hard on it. M.E.L. is always going to be a work in progress, one that we hope you’ll like.

As you can see, our homepage is a blog; here you’ll see announcements, news about the Mass Effect franchise and articles from our team or guest bloggers. Speaking of Andromeda news, check out our Andromeda page. This page will be updated every time we learn something new about the game.

You’ll find information about our team and our contact information in our About page. Don’t hesitate to give us your feedback! All comments are welcome. If you’re interested in guest blogging for M.E.L., we’ll love to publish you. Information is here 🙂

Thank you for reading!

We’ll leave you with one message: We are travelers, constantly moving forward…and looking back.

-The M.E.L. team


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